Sunday, October 11, 2009


Jenis-Jenis Ikan Bernilai Ekonomis di Perairan Indonesia/Asia

Indian Mackerel

Trade Name Indian mackerel
Scientific Name Rastrelliger Kanagurta
French Maquereau Du pacifique
Gear used Gill net and Purse seine
Peak season August to November
Distribution South, Middle-West and South-East coasts of India
Areas of abundance Karnataka and Kerala coasts

Seer fish

Trade Name Seer fish (Spanish mackerel)
Scientific Name Scomberomorus commerson
French Thazard
Japanese Sawara
Spanish Carita
Gear used Hook and line and gill net
Peak season October to December
Distribution West and East coasts of India
Areas of abundance Coasts of Kerala and Karnataka

Seer fish

Trade Name Seer fish (Streaked Spanish mackerel)
Scientific Name Scomberomorus lineolatus
French Thazard
Japanese Sawara
Spanish Carita
Gear used Hook and line and Gill net
Peak season October to December
Distribution West and East coasts of India
Areas of abundacne Along the coasts of Maharashtra and Gujarat

Seer Fish

Trade Name Seer Fish (Spotted Spanish mackerel)
Scientific Name Scomberomorus guttus
French Thazard
Japanese Sawara
Spanish Carita
Gear used Hook and line and Gill net
Peak season October to December
Distribution West and East coasts of India
Areas of abundance Along the coasts of Gujarat Maharashtra, Kerala and Andamans

Black King fish

Trade name Black King fish
Scientific Name Rachycentron canadus
French Cabilo
Japanese Sugi
Gear used Gill net, Trawl net and hand lines
Peak seasons All around the year
Distribution East and West coasts of India
Areas of abundance Tamil Nadu and Kerala coasts

Little tunny

Trade name Little tunny
Scientific name Euthynnus affinis
French Thon
Japanese Maguro-rui
Spanish Atun
Gear used Hook and line and long line
Peak season October to May
Distribution South-West coasts of iNDIA
Areas of abundance Coasts of Kerala, Lakshadweep and Andamans

Yellowfin tuna

Trade Name Yellowfin tuna
Scintific name Thunnus albacares
French Thon
Japanese Maguro-rui
Spanish Atun
Gear used Long line and Hook and line
Peak season October to january
Distribution East and West coasts of India
Areas of abundance Lakshadweep, Andamans, Gulf of Mannar and off Ratnagiri coast

Big eye tuna

Trade Name Big eye tuna
Scientific Name Thunnus obesus
French Thon
Japanese Maguro-rui
Spanish Atun
Gear used Long line
Peak season Throughout the year particularly in October and January
Distribution South-West and East coasts of India and Lakshadweep
Areas of abundance Lakshadweep islands, Gulf of Mannar, Vizhinjam and Ratnagiri coasts

Skipjack tuna

Trade Name Skipjack tuna
Scientific Name Katsuwonus pelamis
French Thon
Japanese Maguro-rui
Spanish Atun
Gear used Long line
Peak season October to May
Distribution Off West and East coasts of India
Areas of abundance Andaman and Lakshadweep Islands

Oriental Bonito

Trade Name Oriental Bonito
Scientific Name Sarda orientalis
French Bonite orientale
Japanese Hagatsuo
Spanish Bonito pacifico
Gear used Trawl and Gill net
Peak season April-May and July - August
Distribution South West coast of India

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